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Sexy Singer Shakira Nude

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Sexy singer Shakira is arguably the most famous Colombian ever. Her music career has seen her bag two Grammy Awards, seven Latin Grammy Awards and 12 Billboard Latin Music Awards thanks to hits like Hips Don't Lie and Waka Waka. She is the second highest selling latin artist of all time after Gloria Estefan.

She was born Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll at Barranquilla, Colombia, on 2 February 1977. Her hot looks come from a mix of a Colombian mother and a Lebanese father. That heritage has also influenced her music which has been described as a fusion of Latin, rock and Arabic styles. Her amazing hip-shaking belly dance moves became almost as famous as her voice. Since 2012 she has achieved even wider fame with TV audiences after her on-off appearances as a judge/coach on the hit US version of the show The Voice.

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