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Actress Tereza Srbova Nude

Prague-born actress Tereza Srbova is probably best-known for her roles in the David Cronenberg movie Eastern Promise and for playing the recurring part of Major Nina Pirogova in the HBO/Cinemax series Strike Back. Seriously well-educated - Tereza has a master's degree in culture anthropology and originally considered becoming a journalist - she ultimately decided to pursue a childhood passion for performing.

Born on 23 June 1983, Tereza sang in the famous Czech choir Bambini di Praga. Her good looks helped finance her university days after she was signed by Elite Model Management Paris. Tereza headed big campaigns for the likes of Christian Dior and Martini, also appearing in a host of high profile magazines such as Elle, Harper's Bazaar, Vogue and FHM. Being in the spotlight gave her the bug for performing and she enrolled in drama classes at RADA in London after her masters.

Her other acting credits to date have included Inkheart, St. Trinian's, Eichmann and the horror movie Siren, where she played the lead. In 2015 she reprised her role of Major Nina Pirogova in the revived series Strike Back: Legacy. This slavic lovely has not been afraid to bare all for her art when the part calls for it.

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