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Busty Heike Makatsch Nude

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Talented German star Heike Makatsch is probably best known to readers of gossip magazines as the former partner of James Bond, Daniel Craig. The pair lived together in London for eight years after meeting on the set of the movie Obsession. English language movie-goers will know Heike from a string of roles in titles like Resident Evil, Love Actually and The Book Thief.

But it is in her native Germany that she has achieved much more eclectic success. Born in Düsseldorf on 13 August 1971, Heike first came to fame as one of the original VJs of the music channel Viva. This led to a successful TV career, hosting RTL2's chart show Bravo TV and even her own chat show.

She took singing lessons and released four solo albums of her own also. She surprised critics when she moved to acting, winning a Bavarian Film Award for her debut in Männerpension. She has starred in many German language movies alongside her English language roles. Her most critically acclaimed yet was Hilde, a 2009 biopic of the famous German actress/singer Hildegard Knef, where Heike plays the lead.

Her film credits include Who Loves Promises, Angel Express, Ossi's Eleven and Rosamunde Pilcher Two Sisters. Her TV successes include The Crime Scene, The Investigators, The Commissioner and The Beach Club. She also starred in new episodes, shot in 2005, of the twenty-year-old German series The Black Forest Clinic. Eva has not, thankfully, been afraid to bare all for her art!

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